Inside a Residency: Yellow Studio Week 2

Studio view

Settling In

I’ve been working at Yellow Studio for two weeks now, and I’m excited to share what I have been up to with you!

This week I really got settled in and began experimenting with making paper and cyanotypes.  I was experimenting to see how to do these processes in my studio space.  Both papermaking and cyanotype require space and water.  The Yellow Residency studio has water,  but it is smaller than what I am used to working in, & that is what I have to get comfortable with. 

I spread out when I am working! & I can be very messy.  My apologies to my current studio mate, Gail.

Handmade paper and balls of dried paper pulp in a jar on a studio table top.

1st batch of handmade paper!

Papermaking has so far been a success!  I’ve made two batches of paper at Yellow Studio now: white & dark grey. 

Next up is green…after spending time at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, I have decided to change the color scheme for the collages I am making.  My colors (blues, whites, greys) were just too wintry.  So I am thinking blues, greens, whites, and…? To be determined.

Cyanotypes have been more of a challenge.  I need to work out a system for getting the exposed paper to water quickly.  There isn’t a good source of direct sunlight in my studio (like a big window), so I will be doing my exposures outside or with a uv light.  The water source for outside is what I still need to experiment with.  I am thinking a bucket might be the way to go.  I plan to experiment with that more next week!

Cyanotype experiment set-up outside on a stone.

Cyanotype experiment

I have also been documenting where I have explored in Ward Pound Ridge on a trail map. In my next post, I’ll share more about Ward Pound Ridge Reservation!

Be the first to know when new collages with handmade paper and cyanotypes are available!


Inside a Residency: Meet My Muse


Inside A Residency: Yellow Studio Week 1